Mission critical databases cannot afford downtime and yet they need to be backed up regularly. Rest assured that there is no need to take your database offline while backing up. Dotnet Online Backup Manager software does it seamlessly and does not compromise system availability or performance during the backup operation. The built-in Microsoft SQL Server Backup Module, backs up your Microsoft SQL database easy and automatic. It supports both 64-bit and 32-bit operating systems.

Dotnet Online Backup Manager MSSQL

Microsoft SQL Server 7, 2000, 2003 and later versions

Easy Backup of master, model, msdb, *.bak, etc.

Hot Backup - no need to take database offline for back up operations

Point-In-Time Recovery. Its flexible retention policy settings allows users to restore to any version of a file from the archive collection.

In-File Delta Backup, which allows backing up only the changes within the database.

Automatic Backup which will perform backup on demand or automatically at scheduled time.

Easy Backup through Dotnet Online Backup Manager GUI configuration.

It provides single click selection of the data to be backed up or restored.

Multi-layered Security with its 128-bit encryption and 128-bit SSL data transmission.

Compression which saves backup space and bandwidth during transmission.

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