64-bit Exchange 2007 and 2010 Mail-Level Backups
For Exchange 2007 and 2010 64-bit Mail-Level Backups. The reason you are required to use the...
Access is denied
You may get the following message:"Access is denied"This means that the file is not accessible by...
An incremental backup cannot be performed when circular logging is enabled
If you get the following error message: "CExBackup::backupService:HrESEBackupSetup: Error Number...
Backing up open files
To backup open files you will need support from the underlying OS. Windows XP/2003/2008, by...
C:\file.txt has been removed already
You get the following error message:“C:\xxx\yyy\zzz.txt has been removed already”There is a...
CExBackup::backupFile:WriteFile: Error Number 0x6: The handle is invalid
If you see this error message: "CExBackup::backupFile:WriteFile: Error Number 0x6: The handle is...
Changing system account backups run under
When you run backups manually through the client they are run under the current logged in user's...
Error Number 0xc8000232: Some log or patch files are missing
If you recieved this error message:...
Expect log sequence 'xxx' but found '...\E000xxx.log'
"Expect log sequence 'xxx' but found 'SERVERNAME\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage...
How do I modify the Java heap size of DotnetOBM or DotnetACB?
How to modify the Java heap size of DotnetACB version 5.5.x / 6.x How to modify...
Linux QuickStart Guide
To configure the linux client for the backup account you should first download the client to the...
Multiple Computer Setup
When setting up the Advanced Client on multiple computers there is a suggested setup procedure to...
Quota Exceeded
You may get the following message:"Quota exceeded"This means that the backup account that you are...
Supported Platform List
Supported Operation System Platforms List Supported Applications List Planned...
The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file
If you get the following error message: "The process cannot access the file because another...
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
If you get the following error message: "The process cannot access the file because it is being...
The statement BACKUP LOG is not allowed while the recovery model is SIMPLE
If you received this error message: "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement...
Uploaded file size incorrect
You may get the following message:"Uploaded file size incorrect"This error occurs when the backup...
Vista Access is Denied
You may see the following error in your backup logs:Warn 2008/10/20 07:30 "C:\Documents and...
Where are my files? Web Restore In Vista
When trying to restore data through the web control in Windows Vista with Internet Explorer 7...

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